the age of (an) aquarius

Hi ♡ Thanks for finding your way back to this space. I recognize as I try to ease into the new year (+ soon, a new age) that I’m shifting into a period of rapid change both in my internal world as well as my external one. I’ve always had an iffy relationship with change (especially unexpected changes), but these ones I’ve seen coming for a little while + have been fortunate enough to receive a lot of help + guidance with them. I wanted to take a moment to share a bit of what that experience has been like so far.

It’s a season of growing pains for me + my work; as I revisit, recontextualize, + reshape it into a venture that I can truly get comfortable in for a while. I’m learning new ways of slowing down + being gentler to myself, both in my creative practice + in my movement practices. Last year I learned that I have an expansive, loving support system of people that I am eager to build new futures with. My focus this year is to learn how to provide mutual support, while also (simultaneously) creating new opportunities for fulfilling collaboration + play with the ones I love/trust.

Last year, I was lucky enough to be a part of Creatives Rebuild New York (CRNY)’s 2022-2023 Guaranteed Income for Artists program. Here’s a bit about this initiative in their own words:

“Creatives Rebuild New York is a three-year, $125 million initiative that provides guaranteed income and employment opportunities to artists across New York State. CRNY believes that artists are workers who deserve equitable, sustainable support structures, and that improving the lives of artists is paramount to the vitality of New York State’s collective social and economic wellbeing.

The data from the many Guaranteed Income pilots across the country demonstrate that even full employment does not promise a living wage to those in need, including artists who are often excluded from critical workforce discussions due to the invisible and oftentimes uncompensated labor that supports their practice,” said Emil Kang, CRNY Leadership Council Chair and Mellon Foundation Program Director for Arts and Culture. “We're thrilled that this program helps artists meet their basic needs, and we are hopeful that Guaranteed Income for Artists serves as a model for larger scale, policy-based solutions in the future." 

   Building on the 1960s New Jersey Graduated Income Work Experiment and, more recently, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, CRNY joins national and international guaranteed income programs— from San Francisco to St. Paul, Minnesota to Ireland—that center and support artists.”

I applied for the GI program a couple of weeks after finding out I was pregnant + found out I’d be a recipient while I was miscarrying (all of which occurred smack in the middle of our engagement). Access to this sort of financial + creative support was a lifeline for my partner + I during that time. I honestly don’t know how we made it through the years since, but I do know that CRNY was a huge part of it, + I am in endless gratitude.

For the last few months, I’ve been excitedly working through the GI Exit Packet; an extremely helpful compilation of creative resources to help recipients establish financial security once the program concluded. This has included a bevy of financial wellness information from the Entertainment Community Fund, professional portraits by Claudia Maturell (@diquematu) (another recipient + total sweetheart), one-on-one career coaching with two art professionals from New York Foundation For The Arts (NYFA), + a weekly financial literacy workshop “by artists for artists” with Andrew Simonet + Michaela Pilar Brown of Artist U (+ authors of Making Your Way As An Artist). I’ve never had access to an art community this way. It’s a massive honor to be counted among such inspiring albeit differing artists, all for the sake of common ideals; in service of the “radical” belief that artists are valuable. + worth protecting.

This experience has really opened my eyes up to just how inherently politicized (but sacred + vital) the role of the artist is. These webinars, classes, + conversations have been so validating + dream-affirming, but they’ve also helped me realize how many changes I’m eager to implement + how much time that may take. While I don’t plan to disappear entirely, I do want to explain that what (+ the manner in which) I usually post is somewhat under construction. The shop is also under construction, but only because I’m getting ready to add so many new exciting offerings, doodads, + thingamajigs ♡

 As always, I can’t thank you enough for your ongoing encouragement + support during another funky little metamorphosis. Throughout all of this I’ve been reminded (sometimes literally by some of you) that everything has its season; it feels fitting that much like spring, this next phase of my career is waiting just around the corner + my world is waking up again.

One particular intention of mine this year is to make myself more available for collaborative work, so I thought it might be a good idea to make a form (to help get the ball rolling). I’ll be back with more information on that soon! In the meantime, you can still find me on Patreon here ♡ 

A few other happy updates: Our wedding has been featured in Buffalo Magazine’s January/February issue! This wouldn’t have been possible without the magic of so many, but I’d like to especially thank: our host/florist/textile artist/mythical sage Nicole (@ofdreamland) for sharing their space (which you can learn more about here), Danni (@seleniteandsage), Hilary (@thcwny), +  Lindsay for curating so many magical details + moments, + of course our incredible wedding party + families! You can find Buffalo magazine at any regional newsstand or grocery store, + you can read the digital version here

Lastly, J read my mind this past holiday season + gifted me my very own pole! I don’t think it has even shipped yet, so it will be a while before it’s set up; but I’m already so excited to get back into my movement practice now that holiday/birthday/depression season is winding down. I’m sure I’ll have so much to share, so feel free to sign up for my newsletter, check out my Patreon, or follow whichever socials suit you!  

Wishing you a sweet start to spring, 



Herbal conference update